Holiday Mindfulness

We have entered the most wonderful time of the year but also the most tempting time of the year. Baked goods, yummy holiday drinks and heaps of comfort food have probably started to come into your life recently. Not to mention your increased family time may mean cutting back on the time you spend working out or getting active. No need to fret, you can have your holiday cake and eat it too (pun definitely intended). You just have to have some mindfulness this holiday season.

Find alternatives that work for you:
Whether it is a healthier version of your favorite holiday drink or guilt free alternatives to your favorite comfort food. There are ways to enjoy all the nom-ful food the holidays bring without sacrificing your healthy eating. If you are attending a holiday pitch-in or hosting a holiday party  introduce a new healthy dish you’ve tried. This may encourage others to find healthy alternatives to their holiday favorites.

Get active & make memories.
The holidays are the perfect time to get some quality time with friends and family and that quality time can include getting active. It could be as simple as a walk around neighborhoods looking at all the holiday decorations, going ice skating or even running a 5K. Who knows maybe these activities can turn into a holiday tradition.

Everyone needs a sidekick:
In this case your sidekick will be a healthy snack. Keep a healthy snack with you at all times. If you are out shopping, at a friends house, or in the office have a healthy snack near by. When you are faced with not so healthy snack options rely on your sidekick to give you the nutrients you need to keep you full until your next wholesome meal.

Don’t stress over spilled eggnog:
One bad meal or one missed workout  will not completely throw you off track. If you find yourself losing your consistency with your eating or working out over the holidays don’t beat yourself up about it. Recognize that you’re not being consistent and then use each day as a new opportunity to get back on track.

All in all enjoy the Holidays! Simply be mindful of your decisions. If you are craving a piece of the family recipe pumpkin pie enjoy a piece. Restricting yourself will only lead to you overindulging later on.


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